About us

  Shenzhen Maxton Power Tech Co.,Ltd.             
is a professional manufacturer of Lead Acid rechargeable battery in the design,manufacture,and supply  the clean and green batteries & energy in the global market for a wide range of applications, Maxton was set up in 2000year ,and now has 2 plants (one in Guangdong province ,  another is in Gaoyou battery industrial park,Jiangsu province, with total manufacturing facilities of around 90,000 square meters).Combining industrial experience, innovative product development and  knowledge-based services.  Maxton has set the standard for dependable and maintenance-free, Advanced VRLA battery. 
Maxton Power Tech Co.Ltd,.is approved by the international organization : ISO9001 ,ISO140001, each battery is certificated by UL and CE.

Sincerity and bravery as the operational idea and goal to find a balance between the business profits and company responsibility; and to effectuate the company philosophy on everyday business operation to win the trust from every buyer and people from all walk of life; at the same time, in order to let every Maxton people not only obey the business activity regulations but also follow the norm on everyday life to have the self discipline as a member of the society with the conscience and common sense from the heart.  

Maxton team is ready already ,welcomes your orders with "Maxton" brand, also welcomes your order with OEM basics,Maxton team is cherishing any opportunity you are giving,  is trying to build a longer cooperation hand in hand,and develop together !                  

Lead Powder

Lead plate pasting

Making lead-plate group


Assembly line

Filling epoxy

Filling electolyte

Formation process


Shipment of batteries

Environment systems

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