MPb Series


MPb Series

Main applications:
*UPS power supply
*Telecommunication systems
*Emergency lighting equipment
*Fire alarm and security systems

 MPb stands for General Purpose. this range is a modern hi-tech energy application product,with 10years' design life.
 MPb series complys to the most popular international standards, such as IEC60896-21,IEC60896-22, BS6290-4, Eurobat Guide.
 When it is used in safe surroundings, maintenance free, no need filling electrolyte; it can be recycled repeatedly.
 With special formula to manufacture lead calcium alloy as well as automatic processes, dangerous gas will not be generated.
 Long life, low self-discharge rate and high reliability.
 It has safety, low resistance so recharge is easy and energy output is more remarkable.
 UL recognized components under  UL 1989 & UL 924,Complies with IATA/ICAO Special Provision A67 for air transport.

 Classified per MG Amendment 27 as a non-hazardous material for water transport.

*JIS ,DIN,IEC & BS62390-4.
UL and CE to all MP models.

*UPS power supply
*Communications and electric equipment
*Emergency lighting equipment
*Fire alarm and security systems
*Medical equipment
*Robots, control equipment, and other factory automation equipment
*Portable power supply
*Solar power systems and water pumping systems (DOD less than 30% only) 

MPb Series: General Specifications' list ;(design life 10years at 25℃/77°F)

Model Nominal
Nominal Capacity
External Dimension(mm)/(±2mm)


Total Height
V Ah
MP4-200 4 200 260 10.24 182 7.17 295 11.61 298 11.73 28.00 61.68 T19 E
MP4-300 4 300 295 12.60 178 7.00 345 13.60 350 13.80 30.00 66.16 T20 E
MP6-100 6 100 195 7.68 170 6.69 207 8.15 211 8.31 15.50 34.20 T16 E
MP6-180 6 180 260 10.24 180 7.09 247 9.72 252 9.92 26.00 57.40 T19 E
MP6-190 6 190 306 12.05 169 6.65 223 8.78 228 8.98 27.50 60.70 T19 E
MP6-200 6 200 323 12.72 178 7.01 224 8.80 229 9.02 28.50 62.89 T19 E
MP6-225 6 225 243 9.57 188 7.40 275 10.83 275 10.83 32.00 70.60 T19 E
MP6-300 6 300 295 12.60 178 7.00 345 13.60 350 13.80 44.50 98.13 T20 E
MP8-180 8 180 260 10.24 182 7.17 295 11.61 298 11.73 35.00 77.10 T19 E
MP12-33 12 33 196 7.72 131 5.16 155 6.10 168 6.61 9.80 21.60 T16,T65 A
MP12-35 12 35 196 7.72 131 5.16 155 6.10 168 6.61 10.00 22.04 T16,T65 A
MP12-38 12 38 197 7.76 166 6.54 171 6.73 171 6.73 12.00 26.50 T16,T9 A
MP12-40 12 40 197 7.76 166 6.54 171 6.73 171 6.73 12.50 27.50 T16,T9 B
MP12-44 12 44 197 7.76 166 6.54 171 6.73 171 6.73 12.90 28.40 T16,T9 B
MP12-55 12 55 230 9.10 138 5.43 208 8.19 216 8.50 16.50 36.40 T16 A
MP12-65 12 65 350 13.78 166 6.54 179 7.05 179 7.05 20.80 45.90 T16,T9 A
MP12-70 12 70 260 10.24 169 6.65 211 8.31 216 8.50 21.50 47.40 T16,T33 A
MP12-70II 12 70 350 13.78 166 6.54 179 7.05 179 7.05 21.00 46.30 T16,T9 A
MP12-80 12 80 260 10.24 169 6.65 211 8.31 216 8.50 22.50 49.61 T16,T33 A
MP12-80II 12 80 350 13.78 166 6.54 179 7.05 179 7.05 22.50 49.61 T16,T9 A
MP12-90 12 90 307 12.09 169 6.65 211 8.31 216 8.50 26.50 58.40 T16,T10 A
MP12-100 12 100 331 13.03 173 6.81 213 8.39 218 8.58 30.00 66.10 T16,T10 A
MP12-120 12 120 407 16.00 174 6.85 209 8.23 233 9.17 33.00 72.80 T16,T11 A
MP12-134 12 134 341 13.43 173 6.81 281 11.06 287 11.30 39.00 85.98 T19 A
MP12-150 12 150 484 19.06 171 6.73 241 9.49 241 9.49 41.50 91.50 T50,T12 A
MP12-160 12 160 534 21.10 209 8.23 216 8.50 221 8.70 49.00 107.80 T60,T11 D
MP12-180a /(4D) 12 180 534 21.10 209 8.23 216 8.50 221 8.70 52.00 114.50 T19,T66 D
MP12-180 12 180 534 21.10 209 8.23 216 8.50 221 8.70 50.00 110.00 T60,T11 D
MP12-200 12 200 522 20.55 240 9.45 216 8.50 221 8.70 60.50 133.38 T19,T11 D
MP12-230 12 230 520 20.47 268 10.55 220 8.66 225 8.82 66.00 145.50 T19,T12 D
MP12-250 12 250 520 20.47 268 10.55 220 8.66 225
70.00 154.30 T19,T12 D
MP12-300 12 300 520 20.47 268 10.55 220 8.66 225 8.82 70.50 155.40 T19,T12 D

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